Panta Rei...Everything Flows


Greenlane Gallery - Paris - Ile de Saint-Louis

Today we talked to Jean Nestares. She is a photographer and a painter. Jean will be presenting her new show, Panta Rei...Everything Flows, this spring in Paris!

- Jean, tell us what’s new?

"The big news on a personal level is that I am moving to New York City at the end of the summer. I didn’t want to leave Paris without presenting my new theme."

- Where will this new exhibition be held?

"We are organizing an exhibition in a Gallery called Greenlane on the Ile Saint-Louis, in the heart of Paris from the 1st through the 8th of April 2011. I will be in the Gallery everyday during the exhibit from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. I think it is important for an artist to have the contact with people interested in my work, and their reaction to my theme."

Jean’s previous work was based on cities, lights, movement and people, producing a mix of hectic yet poetic beauty.

- What is this new theme?

“I will present some of my oil on canvas, photography, video and monotypes in mix media. My new theme, Panta Rei, is born out of deferent elements: water, air and fire. I think one can paint the same image with diverse medias and backgrounds in order to give different visual sensations. I based my paintings on my recent photography work. I am again showing along side the photos that are the bases of the paintings. You will thus be able to appreciate the changes water makes transforming images through its own prisms. In my work, these prisms are geometric crystals that decompose light.”

- What are your plans for the future?

“I will exhibit in Seoul, South Korea from July 12th through the 19th 2011. Then, I want to settle down in Manhattan before committing to further plans.“

- Are you happy with your next move?

“All changes are stressful, add tension but also can cause burst of creativity, a new artistic direction or inspiration. I will open my eyes to new dimensions. Be ready to be surprised!”

- Jean, best wishes and good luck in your next challenges!

“Thank you…don’t forget to visit Greenlane Gallery. This time it is a solo show.“

Greenlane Gallery is located on:
29 rue des deux ponts.
Ile de Saint-Louis 
Paris 75004

Showing from 1st through the 8th of April 2011. Open everyday included Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

[Click here for official release.]