Curator's Voice Art Project Gallery

November 23, 2013 - January 25, 2014

Digressions & Detours. Group Show.

Abreu, Adrian, Assing, Benatar, Bond, Bustillos, Calderin, Ceron, Costa Peuser, Di Paolo, Duenas, Espantaleon, Iglicki, Lecocq, Maeder, Nestares, Paulos, Rakusa,  Sanchez, Soto, Shpilberg, Thome, Valdes, and Villa.

Curated by Milagros Bello

Digressions and Detours

Out of paradigms and forms,contemporary art goes beyond limits.Mutations, disruptions, new materials, build up a new language where traditional parameters and conceptions have been removed. 

Digressions and Detours proposes disruptions, turbulences, interferences, disturbances, of the traditional languages. Artists breaks through the boundaries of representation and art conceptions identifying themselves with personal mythologies and social oriented concepts, trans-mutating the works through experimentation and new trials.Personal and mythical realms are exposed. The logic of emblematic rationalities has been abolished.The margins of self-expressions have taken key place in the works through imperfectly finished surfaces,twisted use of pigments, found objects or over-use of mixed media; the crafty approach to the works subverts tradition and invokes irony and a humorous new credo in art, a freedom of spirit and an autonomous openness to new itineraries in the art field.

Milagros Bello, Ph.D., Curator of the show.

Full details, please visit:

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